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New Seneca Village is a love offering, grounded in generosity and abundance.


We were created to center  the restoration, connection and visioning of the leaders and healers who advance the work you care about in the world.


Hopefully you are here because you too are interested in shifting the paradigm

around how we all support the leaders and healers who have dedicated

their lives and work to our collective future.


Hopefully you are here because you know that the connection of leaders and healers

to their restorative practices is crucial to our collective freedom. 


The New Seneca Village residency is a sacred space designed to support individual and collective restorative journeys, so that our approaches and strategies are grounded in our values and responsive to the moment.


New Seneca Village is designed to honor the humanity, intentions and hearts of the leaders who are moving us towards freedom.



New Seneca Village
Funding Guide

Guide Map

This page is designed to enhance your understanding of how to support

New Seneca Village with funding, connections to funding and other resources

that allow us to stay

On Mission while moving

towards our Legacy Vision.​


This table of contents provides quick jumps to each section. 



Village Experience Overview

How we realize our intentions



Village Community

Who we are and how we operate in data


For the Sake of What

A paradigm shift for creating change


Image by Lina Loos

Our Restorative Journey Experience

How We Realize Our Intentions



Paradigm Shift

New Seneca Village is an invitation to consider our leadership in the context of expansive resources - time, space, access to nature, restorative practices, intentional community and higher consciousness


Beyond money, titles and roles, we believe that integrated leadership is served by centering restoration, connection and visioning.  We create the conditions within which Villagers are invited to reconnect to their wise inner selves as a way of bringing enhanced perspectives and renewed energy to their leadership. â€‹â€‹

Abundant Resource

To support Villagers ability to step out of their current context as much as possible,  the Village provides complimentary accommodations and transportation from the nearest international airport. We provide breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks daily.


Additionally, all leaders have access to transportation and back home grants to support their ability to show up and be present to this  opportunity. This offering is part of our collective care practice. 


Restorative Practices

Villagers have the time and space to reconnect to self, to follow their own rhythm and flow and to explore a range of restorative practices offered by Village healers.  Village healers share individual and group restorative offerings across a range of modalities, lineages and sources.  The Village team Village-wide gatherings designed to foster reflection, connection and visioning. 


Intentional Community

The Village is an intentional opportunity to connect with and learn from leaders across issue areas, geographies, race, age (and many other differences) each of whom are committed to weaving restorative practices into their leadership.

Learn more about our offerings

Image by Thiago Sanchez

For the Sake of What...

Being human and grappling with all that life, society, technology and our geographic and built environments bring is complex work. For those who have chosen to dedicate themselves to creating positive change, the stakes and the urgency are even more intense. 


As most things change rapidly around us, we are called into an opportunity to consider what is needed to remember and remain grounded in our humanity. To intentionally wonder about how our leadership must evolve so that we are truly equal to the countless complex tasks in front of us. 


New Seneca Village believes that leaders benefit from being firmly centered in practices that support their ability to powerfully create approaches and choose actions driven by their unique vision, and not by the status quo. 


The sustainability of all that we seek to achieve - donor and leader alike - requires our most present and grounded humanity. To access this humanity we need to be in loving relationship with our wise inner selves, with each other and with this planet. 


As much as we might think that we can quantify change and estimate for success, we know that we cannot actually count what matters most. Deep down we understand that calling in a future that works for all of us is not a set of actions that can be calculated or measured, but ways of being that create the future now. 


Tending to ourselves is how we are able to tend to the world around us

and it is how we create a future worth living in. 

How Our Work Aligns With Yours

Our offering is centered on the leaders who make your work possible,
across frameworks and issue areas.

Our offering enhances the ability of these leaders to feel nourished and sustained in their leadership.
Image by Chris Lawton
Systems Change

We support leaders whose work sustains and advances change organizations and the creation of structures and  systems that enable our collective future.


We recognize that positive impact in the areas of life that we care about is always the result of people power and we know that people power is inclusive of the internal changes within people, as well as collective change driven by people.

Team building at RGB Parkour Tour back i
Social Inclusion

The world is inherently diverse and we know that this diversity is the source of its richness and power.  We center women, gender expansive and queer folks of color who are most consistently left out of the center by dominant society as a way of recognizing, honoring and cherishing our diversity.

Medieval Bridge

How we do the work is as important to the outcomes we seek as are the actions we take. Without intentional action,  grounded in purpose, process and practices, we often re-create symptoms of the same systems we are seeking to dismantle. 


Beyond programs and projects, there are the people who create the actions and who participate in the outcomes and they deserve to be resourced in ways that allow for flexibility, adaptation and creativity.

Image by Breana Panaguiton
Leadership Development

We support leaders and healers as integrated people distinct from their roles and organizations. We believe that access to resources beyond money - time, space, access to gorgeous nature, restorative practices and higher consciousness - are crucial to nourished and sustained leadership. 


We support leaders across hierarchy so that seasoned or emerging, our leaders are developing and embedding restorative practices into their leadership throughout their careers.

Image by Ashley Batz
Nature + Land

We consider land and gorgeous nature to be living partners in our ability to deepen and expand our relationship with ourselves.  We believe in land for land sake, distinct from the need for land to produce something.

Image by Vincentiu Solomon
Co - Creation

The Village is designed to be stewarded by the community it serves.

We weave Villager feedback and team learnings so that our offerings are responsive to the Village community.


Village Advisory Circle members steward offerings with and for the Village community deepening the richness and reach of this project.

Image by Harli  Marten

We understand the benefit of restorative practices as a source of nourishment for sustained leadership. We invite Village healers to offer a range of restorative practice modalities so that Villagers are able to expand and deepen the practices that allow them to connect with and lead from their values and visions for the future.

Forest Trees
Movement Building

We understand the benefit of restorative practices as a source of nourishment for sustained leadership. We invite Village healers to offer a range of restorative practice modalities so that Villagers are able to expand and deepen the practices that allow them to connect with and lead from their values and visions for the future.

Image by Ash Edmonds

The opportunity of artificial intelligence (and all technology) is the reflection point that it creates for us to consider our relationship to ourselves, to our humanity and to our consciousness. 


It is imperative that we foster deeper connections with and to our humanity, and through our humanity to deepen our relationship with this planet as technological advances continue to evolve in reach and capability.

Image by Will van Wingerden
Liberatory Space

It is imperative that our leaders remain connected to the visions of the future that they are stewarding so that we all benefit when they come to fruition.

We create the container within which leaders are invited to reconnect with their wise inner Selves, to slow down enough to notice and respond to their own rhythms, purpose and values and to practice communication and active consent in everything. 

We practice the future now.

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Your leaders are our Villagers.
And they are hard at work on the issues we all care about.

Read on to learn more
about New Seneca Villagers.

Village Community

Who We Are: In Data

New Seneca Village is a restorative journey experience for change leaders from across a number of different fields all of which are focused on calling in a collective future that works for all of us. 
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We intentionally invite leaders from across organizational hierarchy (and leaders outside of organizations) so that centering restorative practices as a source of nourished leadership are normalized in every stage of a career. 
New Seneca Village is designed to be a diverse experience grounded in our human / nature interconnection.

We invite Villagers into an intentional cross cultural and cross-generational community that allows for connections and conversations
that broaden our perspectives. 
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Villagers: By Race
Villagers: By Age
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Villagers live and work across the US and Canada.
During our first three years, we have hosted 110 Villagers.

We iterate our offerings incorporating Villager feedback and reflection. 

Our work is collaboratively created with unique offerings from our Advisory Circle.
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Village Data
How We Operate

Village Revenue

Our annual revenue is ~ $700k.


We receive 16% of our funding from foundation grants.

​83% of our funding comes from individual donors.

Residency Cost

per Villager

The average cost for a Villager residency is ~$11k per person.


Villagers have access to Villagers grants which they can choose to receive or not. 

Village Expenses

Our average annual budget spent is ~$600k, which includes a

9% fiscal sponsor fee.

Read on for more about how the New Seneca Village Legacy Vision
will enable and expand our offerings.
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Legacy Vision

The Legacy Vision of a New Seneca Village retreat center will allow us the presence and stability to,


  • support up to 300 leaders and healers a year


  • offer adaptive and flexible residencies from 10 days to 1-2 months depending on need


  • utilize our endowment to bring together leaders for intentional and exploratory initiatives to catalyze innovation and collaboration


  • host intentional community gatherings from which new perspectives, strategies and approaches will arise

How You Can Support Us

New Seneca Village is best supported in the following ways.

Financial Support
Image by kazuend
Medieval Bridge
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Multi-year Grants

We rely on multi-year funding to expansively host Villagers and to responsibly engage and book venues for our residencies. The residency experience begins roughly 8 - 12 months in advance of gathering in person to allow for our Restorative Vision Circle series.

General Operating
Support Grants

General operating support grants allow us to be responsive and adaptive to our offering and to our Villagers. With these funds, we are able to align to the overall liberatory intentions of the Village.


*we are a fiscally sponsored project (9% fee), please consider covering this fee in your giving so that we receive the full amount of your grant.

Legacy Vision

Consider supporting our Legacy Vision over the long-term. This vision allows us to greatly increase the number of Villagers we can support annually, while also allowing us to broaden our offerings. 


We are open to receiving Leadership Development and Capacity Building grants and we retain the right to choose Villagers based on their readiness and our founding commitments. We might choose to support your leaders and we are our own organization first, not simply a philanthropic vendor.

Relational Support
Image by kazuend

Warm Introductions

While your fund or foundation might not be positioned to support our work at this time, we are always glad for warm connections to those in your circles who might be open to and aligned with all that we are trying to create in the world.

Medieval Bridge

Legacy Vision

We are looking for funders of means to join us in the development of our Legacy Vision over the long-term.


A retreat center space allows us to greatly increase the number of Villagers we can support annually, while also allowing us to broaden our offerings. 

Villagers share their thoughts and reflections about their Village experience
in our Year One and Year Two Updates

Deep Gratitude

We are deeply grateful to our funders who have been with us since the beginning.

Their trust and unencumbered funding supports our ability to focus on our work, our offerings and current and future Villagers in a way that allows us to be responsive, creative and present to our mission.


We are always interested in building relationship with individuals and institutions

that align with the purpose and values of this work. 

If this is you, please reach out to Ain at

Save the Date: October 23, 2024


Consider joining us for our fall convening

Practicing the Future Now:

A Paradigm Shift in How We Create Change


Additional details coming soon.

Image by Richard de Ruijter

Invitation to Pause

We continuously ground ourselves individually and collectively in our Village intentions as we define them below. We invite all Villagers to create their own definitions throughout their experience with us so that restoration, connection and visioning are living practices in their leadership ongoingly. 


We invite you now to get curious about what these values and practices

mean for your own leadership in your life and work.

  • Get comfortable in your seat,

  • Allow yourself to ground in your space and in your body,

  • Invite in eight deep cleansing breaths - in through the nose, out through the mouth - at a pace that feels expansive and restorative.


What are your definitions for restoration, connection and visioning?

An intentional focus on reconnecting with one’s Self, with nature and with other resources so as to contribute to life, work and community from a resourced and sustainable place. 
Recognition of one’s self in relation to, and relationship with others including nature, community and higher consciousness.
Connection to self and purpose as a path to imagining and creating our collective future in new ways.
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